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Compares the richness and occurrence incidence across species between actual and randomized species distributions


  spat_alg = NULL,
  spat_alg_args = NULL,
  aleats = 10,
  filename = "",
  force_wr_aleat_file = FALSE,



SpatRaster. A SpatRaster containing presence-absence data (0 or 1) for a set of species.


A function with the algorithm implementing the desired randomization method. It must work with SpatRaster objects. See examples. Example of functions that work are: bootspat_naive, bootspat_str, bootspat_ff.


List of arguments passed to the randomization method chosen in 'spat_alg'. See bootspat_naive, bootspat_str, bootspat_ff


positive integer. A positive integer indicating how many times the calculation should be repeated.


character. Output filename


logical. Force writing bootstrapped rasters, even if files fit in memory. Mostly used for internal test units.


additional arguments passed to 'terra::app()' function.


a list with two components:

  • spp_metrics: a matrix with metrics comparing actual and randomized frequency of species occurrence. Metrics are average, sd, min, and max frequency across randomizations, sp_reldiff (average difference relative to species frequency), global_reldiff (average difference relative to the number of available cells), upper and lower confidence intervals for sp_reldiff and global_reldiff.

  • spat_rich_diff: a SpatRaster with summary statistics about differences between actual and bootstrapped site (cell) richness


Neander M. Heming


r <- load_ext_data()
algorithm_metrics(r, spat_alg = "bootspat_naive", spat_alg_args=list(random="species"), aleats = 3)
#> $spp_metrics
#>     actual rand_avg rand_sd rand_min rand_max sp_reldiff global_reldiff
#> sp1      1        1       0        1        1          0              0
#> sp2     14       14       0       14       14          0              0
#> sp3      9        9       0        9        9          0              0
#> sp4     12       12       0       12       12          0              0
#> sp5     12       12       0       12       12          0              0
#> sp6     10       10       0       10       10          0              0
#> sp7     23       23       0       23       23          0              0
#>     sp_reldiff_l sp_reldiff_u global_reldiff_l global_reldiff_u
#> sp1            0            0                0                0
#> sp2            0            0                0                0
#> sp3            0            0                0                0
#> sp4            0            0                0                0
#> sp5            0            0                0                0
#> sp6            0            0                0                0
#> sp7            0            0                0                0
#> $spat_rich_diff
#> class       : SpatRaster 
#> dimensions  : 5, 5, 4  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution  : 72, 36  (x, y)
#> extent      : -180, 180, -90, 90  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
#> source(s)   : memory
#> names       : mean_diff,  sd_diff, min_diff, max_diff 
#> min values  : -2.333333, 0.000000,       -3,       -2 
#> max values  :  3.000000, 1.732051,        2,        4 
algorithm_metrics(r, spat_alg = "bootspat_naive", spat_alg_args=list(random="site"), aleats = 3)
#> $spp_metrics
#>     actual rand_avg   rand_sd rand_min rand_max  sp_reldiff global_reldiff
#> sp1      1 11.00000 2.6457513        9       14 10.00000000     0.41666667
#> sp2     14 13.33333 2.0816660       11       15 -0.04761905    -0.02777778
#> sp3      9 10.33333 1.5275252        9       12  0.14814815     0.05555556
#> sp4     12 11.33333 3.2145503        9       15 -0.05555556    -0.02777778
#> sp5     12 11.66667 2.3094011        9       13 -0.02777778    -0.01388889
#> sp6     10 11.33333 0.5773503       11       12  0.13333333     0.05555556
#> sp7     23 12.00000 4.5825757        7       16 -0.47826087    -0.45833333
#>     sp_reldiff_l sp_reldiff_u global_reldiff_l global_reldiff_u
#> sp1   7.35424869   12.6457513      0.306427029       0.52690630
#> sp2  -0.19630948    0.1010714     -0.114513861       0.05895831
#> sp3  -0.02157688    0.3178732     -0.008091329       0.11920244
#> sp4  -0.32343474    0.2123236     -0.161717372       0.10616182
#> sp5  -0.22022787    0.1646723     -0.110113934       0.08233616
#> sp6   0.07559831    0.1910684      0.031499294       0.07961182
#> sp7  -0.67750329   -0.2790184     -0.649273987      -0.26739268
#> $spat_rich_diff
#> class       : SpatRaster 
#> dimensions  : 5, 5, 4  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution  : 72, 36  (x, y)
#> extent      : -180, 180, -90, 90  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
#> source(s)   : memory
#> names       : mean_diff, sd_diff, min_diff, max_diff 
#> min values  :         0,       0,        0,        0 
#> max values  :         0,       0,        0,        0 
# algorithm_metrics(r, spat_alg = "bootspat_naive", spat_alg_args=list(random="both"))